Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mother-in-law problem?

My mother-in-law and I have never seen eye to eye. She's done everything imaginable and hurtful but the list could go on an on for hours. I don't have the space to tell every detail. She is not mean to me anymore after I had a baby with her son. I feel really awkward around her because she went from extremely hateful to nothing ever happened between us kinda attitude. I find myself thinking "bullsh*t) every time she says something positive to me. I want to love her and have a relationship with her but i don't know how. I feel like shes putting the happy face on so she can see the baby......Also, after my husband and I got married, I gave her 2 albums of our wedding pictures to look through so she tell me what she wanted. She set the albums down and I asked her if she wanted any of the pictures and she said "No, there is no guarantee that you two will still be married in a year and when Ashley got married (my husbands older sister) I spent over $1,500 on pictures and then burned them after her divorce" I drove home in tears. 2 years later (now) she had the nerve to ask me if she could have the disk of wedding pictures so she could print them off. I didn't know what to say but I really feel like I shouldn't give them to her but it also feels wrong too. I don't know how to take her anymore...its really weird. like scary weird....what are your thoughts and advice? thank you

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