Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Preferd puppy names?
i need your opinion on these puppy names for girl: abby, abel, Alibi boy: Aero, Akon, Aussie these dogs are german sheperd puppies and will work for the rcmp
Why do people from spain or whatever people get mad when i call them Mexicans Hispanics?
Ok i live in Kentucky and we see people that speak Spanish as Mexicans. So this guy came from Spain i guess and he was speaking Spanish to his wife in line and i said what part of Mexico you guys from and he said sorry sir we are Spaniards and we are considered Latinos/White.. I said waaaaaait a minute look at me! I'm the white/Caucasian here your not white and then he said they were Latinos,, So my question is Latinos are Mexicans so wouldn't they be considered Mexican?? I'm the white person here so i have no clue what he is trying to say but he aint no white! Then i said what different does it make you speak Spanish so your Mexicans/Hispanics.. We in the south think people that speak Spanish is a Mexican.. What do you guys think?? I didnt even know people from spain even spoke spanish, so they dont speak any english?? So wouldnt spain be part mexicans since they speak spanish? Southern White Pride!!!
How do i refrain from my nosey friends?
i have a habit of telling my married mates all about my "single girl " life. they love the stories. im 22 and im having ual relations with a new guy now. i really like him and dont feel its fair to blab like i have done in the past. so when they are being nosey what do i tell them? ive even suspected some of them may be getting off on it but considering they are my friends this is highly unlikely and anyway they are married. in this instance im not gona kiss and tell, am i right to do so?
Microsoft or Apple Macintosh?
Seriously!! I want an answer: which one crashes less and is more performant? mac or pc? because I currently have a vista and it's the worse computer I've ever owned, it crashes every third day because of "software updates" and freezes whenever it wants. So now I'm thinking of making the switch to mac hoping I won't have these petty problems and crashes. So tell me, is this a good idea? is mac truly better than pc or vice versa?
Are the vampires in House of night effected by sunlight?
The vampires in Twilight aren't effected by sunlight, are the vampires in house of night effected by it? If not whys it called house of night?
Randomly throwing up food all of the sudden. How can I figure out why and stop her from getting sick?
My 2yr old flat coat ret. mix has been throwing up her food for the last couple of nights. She seems to only want to do it in the evening and around bed time. It has gotten to the point where she just does it without warning. Yes I am sick of cleaning up vomit but I am more concerned about why shes doing this and how I can get it to stop before she loses weight or becomes dehydrated. She hasnt eaten anything strange and she is not throwing up bile or anything odd, just dog food. Shes been on the same food since she was 1 and shes really slim so I know she doesnt just eat to be eating. Can you please help me figure out what is going on? She is on a rice and chicken diet for the day to help settle her stomach. Do you have any suggestions or ideas as to what is wrong with my princess??
Home preg.test says yes blood test says no, my tubes are tied what does that mean? More questions in details.?
I asked a question similar the other day but now I went to the doc. so heres the situation now. I'm 25 yrs. old, had a bilateral tubal ligation done 5 years ago, (the one with the rubberband around your tubes). I missed my period, I took a home preg. test, it came back postive, took another came back neg., took the dig. test it said PREGNANT no ifs ands or buts about that one, anyways, I get scared (bc of the possibility of it being in my tubes) go to the doc. on Friday, he makes me wait until today to have bloodwork done. Over the weekend, I have brown show all day Saturday not much just some, so that confuses me, then last nite I start bleeding like my period (which it may be that) it has continued today, just not as heavy as my normal period would be. Normally I'm flooding during my first 3 days, this is seeming like my 4th or 5th day flow. So anyways, my blood work comes back today negative, so what is going on with me, I didn't get to see the doc. today, just the nurse they just act like, well you're not pregnant, but why would I be late, why would more than one test come back positive, what would cause a false positive? I mean even the digital one there is no mistaking that one, what could be going on?
Is something wrong with my baby?
My daughter was born may21 she is 4 months and she cannot crawl scoot roll or sit up by herself. Am I doing someting wrong please help
Where can I find international grants for a non-profit that does development work in Guatemala?
Good for you! This is a great thing you are doing. The best national listing of foundations that make grants are at a href="http://foundationcenter.org/." rel="nofollow"http://foundationcenter.org/./a There is a fee to access the information if I am not mistaken. Also, writing grants requires a little training and alot of homework. Try googling Executive Service Corps and see if they have branch in your area. They are a nonprofit that often have cles or tutoring on how to write grants. If they don't pan out, call the local United Way and ask who offers grant writing cles. I strongly reccomend you learn the grantwriting process before you try because there are many common mistakes you can avoid (too many to discuss here) by knowing the game. Lots of people write grants, only those who know the game get them funded. Unfortunately, if you write a grant and make a mistake it will reflect poorly on your organization and maybe even jeopardize the organizations ability to get future grants from that foundation. So be sure you have their support and approval before writting and submitting a grant application. Its serious stuff, but do your homework and it will pay off.
Can u help me remember this film?
I saw this during the 90's when it was on television. what i remember is that there was a man being chased by a woman. he or she had a suitcase and i believe thats what the chase was about. and anyway, the man being chased somehow almost fell off of the bridge/ledge he was being chased on. and he was hanging on with two hands. and the woman started taunting him. i believe she had long fingernails. anyway she started hitting his fingers with a long pipe and mocking him. i believe he was able to get back up but unfortunately this is the only scene i remember from this movie.i believe it came out during the 80's/90's. big big points to anyone who can help me!!!
Which Gibson Guitar should i get? Les Paul or SG?
For me the les paul is most comfortable to get high frets than SG, try both models with a good amp, then choice, I think that Les Paul is most versatile, but by specification seems to be the same.
Why the Mexicans living in Mexico dislike illegal Mexicans leaving the U.S. for jobs in Mexico?
That is something Mr Diaz needs to take up with HIS government not our problems.See it only confirms what everyone already knows is that these illegals aren't doing anybody and good not even their comrades in there own countries.I would love to give Mr Diaz some advise on how to take care of his problems .....................It also shows that these lawbreakers will even screw over their own country men so what do you think these same low lives are doing to a country they only see as a free ride.
How do I lengthen a dress?
I think ribbon straps would hold, but make sure to sew it on REALLY WELL because of the material. Also be careful what type of thread you use because it could rip... that would be really hard to fix (if it tears the material)
What's all this about being a multiple time world champion is an accomplishment?
All that (for example) 12 title reigns (HHH) or 16 title reigns (Ric Flair) signifies is that you lost the belt so many times because you never have been a good champion. Why don't people start looking at it properly and look at the combined days that these guys have held the title for? And what's funny and deluded is that the likes of HHH and Flair view their multiple world title reigns as an accomplishment.
okay so obviously my have been feeling odd. the other night my boyfriend helped himself to them. and now there is a mark on my right tit.Its red and firmer then the rest of it. and it hurts like hell. i'm almost certain it's not a hickey. does anyone know whats going on should i tell my doctor. it's been three days.
Did MF Doom have to grow on you, because at first I didn't like him but now I really feeling his music?
I feel the exact same way...I use to hate his flow but I grew to love him. He's one the artist you either hate or love
Please check grammar in my essay. please help.?
I'm sorry, but grammar is the least of your problems. I couldn't begin to understand what this essay is trying to say. It needs a lot of work--you really need to sit down with a tutor who can talk to you, face to face, about this IN DETAIL.
Yugioh Creator Turbo Deck!!?
Nice, but I'd add Creator Incarnate, as it is also a warrior and can help immensely in summoning the Creator.
Dead baby jokes? are these extremely offensive to you? rate on a scale of 1-10?
WoWW!!! You are really sick and odviously you have no chilldren and you shouldnt ever be allowed to have any! that is very offensive and horrible! you are a sad sad person! it might be funny had you been one of those dead babies! ur sick
Whats the best thing about having kids in your 20's?
I am thirty, and I have four children ages five, six, nine, and twelve. The worst thing is I am young and don't get to do all the things I'd like, chances I could take if I didn't have a family, I can't just run out and buy myself some new clothes. I could have used a bit more wisdom in the beginning, but we managed. The best thing is they'll all be gone in by the time I am 43, which is only thirteen years away. Granted I know they won't really be gone, but I can go on a trip without having to find a babysitter, and I can reqire that they work or go to college if they want a free roof over their heads...so that they realize they have to grow up and become responsible for themselves. Time flies once you have kids... you get so busy trying to do everything right...go to work, come home cook and eat dinner, give out baths, tuck em in and start all over tomorrow. I don't suggest everyone to have as many as I do, but I do suggest at least one while you are young. I had two before I was married... then married into one when I was pregnant. I didn't plan it well. So I do suggest having a plan. Do you want two in diapers at the same time. Diapers can get expensive. When you are young... you have more fun I think... you kinda grow up together. You can also relate a little bit better also...you are still a bit flexable... and not so set in your ways. My two youngest I don't feel I have near the relationship I had with my two older ones. Don't let people tell you... you are not stable enough... there is never a good time to have kids... they are expensive... but if you love your kids you will find a way.
Playin chicken wit a cig 2 the arm it turned red on the outside quite a bit maybe infected wut should i us?
i got really drunk 2 nights ago i got a cigerette burn on my arm it turned red quite a bit around the scab, it MIGHT be infected, i am not sure if it is, i dont really want 2 go 2 the doc
High quality lowering springs for a 00 Civic.?
its unlikely that you will get enough info here do a google search for Honda forums and they will give you more info than you may want
Rate my Roto team?
I see pretty good offense. I think you should give Naslund a chance, at least wait until preseason's over. Hartnell is pretty consistent, but I don't know how he's going to do in Philly. Personally, I don't give Philly much chance despite all the changes. Might consider Kovalev too. Defense is okay. You can give Seabrook a chance. He's a bit of a risk, but he can surprise you. He's been improving steadily in the last two years. Goaltending seems okay, but it's never that clear until the season's started. The number of games Osgood plays depends on Hasek's health.
Guys: Here's a question for you?
i dont think it was ur weight. somethimes when guys are nervous they have a hard time keeping it up. dont think it was u.it was jus there nervs
Do You Agree That The Indian Government Should Offer Its Muslims, Incentives To Emigrate From India???
if all the moslems left india where should they go ?would it be ok if they moved to your region of the planet ?is that the solution to your problem ??
The ghost of closed captioning!! If someone can figure this out I am very grateful!!?
What keeps happening is the closed captioning will be on for a few days and then mysteriously disappear. Then a week later it reappears. This cycle keeps happening. I have TIVO, Qwest cable, and a Philips TV. Each of them blame the other. So why is it going on and off? So that is why I am blaming the ghost. Do I need to buy a new tv? By the way I already read each instruction pamphlet several times with no ado. Maybe my ghost is deaf??
Has anyone ever heard of the hymn 'author of the whole creation"?
we used to sing it at school, and I haven't heard it since, in church or anywhere and I can not find it on the internet.
Monday, January 9, 2012
American History by Judith Ortiz Cofer?
if you have read the short story can you please give me a 5 sentence summary on it?? I really don't know how to write summaries haha
Help with american history?
Too many questions, pick one or two... Ironclads were bleeding edge tech, they were difficult to sail, and pretty much invincible from enemy fire.
My friend thinks he's a vampire?
He's your friend. just play along with him. My best-friends says he's a vamp. I still like him the way he is. No matter how delusional.
What is a safety razor?
Kind of a stupid question, I know, but I ask because I'm going to be traveling with only carry-on and I'm going to California, so I need my razor. TSA says "safety razors" may be carried on. But what's a safety razor? Thanks much!
Do you think the media is responsible for school violence?
After school shootings, such as the Columbine shooting in Littleton, Colorado, people mostly seem to blame the media. The columbine shooters listened to Marilyn Manson and many people blamed the artist. I think the media has very little responsibility and that people blame artists like manson because he is easier to blame. Do you think that it is the media, and if not, what other factors do you think lead to violence among teens?
Relationship problem: how am i going to solve it?
Break-ups are hard but usually people get over it but you should try to have a serious conversation with him saying that it's not working out but I think it be best if we moved on and if he gets yelling and making a scene and about to hit you just leave and never talk to him again but if he's mature enough you two can still have a friendship just make sure that you don't have feelings of dating each other anymore so I hope this helps and good luck
This is for all the healthcare disorder savy peole out there. Is simplex 2 bloodborne?
i know it's primarily spread by ual contact with an active outbreak or viral shedding, and that it retreats back into main nerves along the spinal cord nearest the infection. there are blood tests as well as smears for it. the question is, is it in itself bloodborne, is that what the titer tests for (the virus itself) or the T-memory cells and antibodies that fight the virus. Also, that said, can someone with HSV-2 donate blood. I did some research with the local blood banks just out of curiosity and found that they do not test for HSV-2 in donor blood, which lead me to believe the actual virus is not blood borne? either that or the need for blood far outweighs the risk? or i just live in a dangerously retro-medical city
Is 0bama a narcissist?
Medicaid eligibillity requirements?
Daughter just turned 18 and lives with custodial father. Non custodial mother has obtained a medicaid card for her. We already have family health insurance. Is she eligible to use this medicaid card? Daughter works at a job and lives at home with father.
Is it ok to water a vegetable garden with water that has uranium in it?
My folks just found ou that they have uranium in their water. They have put a filtartion system on the drinking water but not to the hose outside that they water their garden with. I was wondering if this would efect the vegtables they are growing. Thanks
Don't do it. The commute will kill you, because there will be traffic anytime you go. From Downtown LA to Costa Mesa, the commute in traffic will take up to an hour in stop and go traffic.
Please help me with this sentence...?
you are right, it is however. use process of elimination for all those which cant work, that will help in the future.
How to contact local university debate teams (Duke University & UNC Chapel Hill)?
Write to the Student Activities director in each of the schools./ Call the school first and ask for the name so that you have a better chance of reaching the correct person./
Will gr seed grow on an inch of compost?
i have a neighbor who hired me to re-do his lawn. it has never been aerated and i wasnt able to roto till it, so i just power raked and put down an inch of compost with gr seed on top.will the seed be able to grow on the compost?
Should we get serious about Unified Military Command?
Yeah, as long as the Air Force maintains its superior standards of living. After all, The Air Force is the prestigious military branch.
How do i establish a bedtime for 2month old?
my baby is almost 2 and 1/2 months old. this is my first baby and im just not quite sure how to establish a bedtime. i try a routine like bath,bottle,bed..but it doesnt work. i try to put her in bed when she looks a little sleepy but not over tired so she can learn to fall asleep on her own but she just cries bloody murder and wont stop. some people tell me to let her cry it out and ive tried that but she wont stop and fall asleep. i just dont want her to think im always going to come get her everytime and rock her. i already got her on a bad habit, every morning she wants her seven a.m. feeding and she wont go back to sleep unless i put her in bed with me (the safe way of course)..but during her night time feedings she will go right back to sleep in her bed just fine. another question i have is when will she sleep through the night? shes up every two hours to eat at night?
Any of you proponents of FLDS?
I just got finished reading Escape by Carolyn Jessop. It was heartbreaking and fascinating. I can not imagine how horrible the conditions she had to live and raise her children were. So who out there actually thinks it's okay for these people to raise their children in such a hateful and biased culture?
Who would want to be a teenager in this decade?
I personally would not want to be a teenager right now. Today's teenagers have to much freedom, and when they make a mistake, there is no consequences , therefore the reasons for the crime amongst teenagers today. If I did 1/4 of the things some teens do today, I would never sit down again. Not only would I faced punishment at school, but 10 worst when I got home. Do I hate my parents for doing that.. Heavens no. They knew more than I gave them credit for.
I'm really scared. What do I do now? My mom, chronic worrier, pointed out to me that if I get sick, I have no
one to help me. At 34, I'm separated from my hubby, no kids, no friends and no close family. She also said she feels she has no one either, since dad is 78 and has mild dementia. I feel bad for her but also for myself. What should I do? I asked hubby to leave b/c after 8 years of marriage we had not had ONCE. Should I go back to him? Wouldn't that just be using him and unfair to him? Our marriage wasn't just about (obviously), but shouldn't I try to have a fulfilling life , physically and in every other way? I'd especially like Christian believers to answer this. Thanks.
What is the diffrence between the cigarett lighter and the 12v out let in a car?
i was just wondering if there was any difference in the power out put of the 12v outlet and the cig. lighter in any car.
How do i transfer wic from Arkansas to Texas?
I am moving next week from Arkansas to Texas and my daughter is on the wic progrom does any one know how to transfer to texas and how long it takes?
I need paxil...what is this again? some anti-depressant. sigh...?
Can someone please tell me what are the symptoms of depression, and how do you get it?! why does it happen to some and not others. how is it a chemical malfunction of your brain? i promise i'm a smart girl...i always have been. but i frickin can't concentrate on any ignments 'cuz i feel like giving up. i find myself saying...what's teh use, you're going to fail anyway. what the hell is wrong with me. will one paxil pill do the job and make me feel happy again and make me concentrate and be determined for my exams. why the hell is this happening to me. i hate this, and my life.
Psychology experts?? human memory/?
Do you seriously expect people to answer all these homework questions for you? Just read your book, go to cl, and do your own work. Or drop out of school since it's obvious you are not trying to get anything out of it.
Please answer my Track question. It is VERY important?
I run track, i have been runnig since last year i am small for my age and i recently suffered a knee injury during basketball season, well i injured it in september but it got better like a month and a half ago. i used to be fast before but now i am not that fast well not fast enough than all of the other girls. I am not a sprinter which is what the coach has me do. last year i ran 800 3200 m relay and sometime 400. he has me run 100s and 200s. I really want him to thing i am a great runner because i really love track and i am determined and have potential. I hope to run in the olympics. any ideas on how to get better quickly and i also have a meet tomorrow what is som good food to eat before it. for dinner i am having a taco and a salad with no dressing anything else?
Looking for Info on 2009 MLB playoffs Budweiser Ad?
Im desperately seeking a link to this commercial showing vintage baseball clips and touting Budweiser as the great American Lager.
Ways to write a number for a tattoo?
I'm not sure what your tattoo means, but I once saw a fancy clock face in someone's house that only had the numbers on it that represented their wedding anniversary and weren't "traditional" clock digits (06/14/09)
What was the significance of Jesus being from the tribe of Judah?
I see that in Genesis 49:10, the Bible prophesies that Jesus would be from the tribe of Judah, and Luke 3:33 shows how He fulfilled that. My question is, what was the significance of that?
Would somebody give me advice and prayer?
I don't really have any advice, as I don't know very much about these types of situations, but I will pray for you. God knows what's best for you and your family. Hang in there.
Help finding the author of a book.?
Well.... if you have the book... somewhere on the cover it should say the author. If not (very rare) look inside the book to the publishing company and all that crap. Most of the eye witness books are written by Dorling Kindersley (the earlier ones).
I've heard you can take photography for GCSE's and I was thinking....?
Photography is available as GCSE subject,sometimes it comes under the Science syllabus but usually under the Art schemes.Not all schools and colleges include it in their schemes you may have to do a bit of searching around but the school or college administrators should have a connection with the regional exam boards.
Cleaning apartments-- job help?
It's either you have to charge per room or per hr. I see alot of those around here in San Diego, CA. Most of them are per room. Like $25.00 per room.
I have 50% custody of my daughter. I want her to go to catholic school, mom doesnt. Who gets to choose?
We live in california. I am actually the custodial parent on the child support order. Her mother pays me $66/mo.
Kathy Griffen's "prostitute" comments?
This supposed comedian calls the daughters of Sen. Scott Brown prostitutes. I fail to see how committing libel is a great career move. I don't really know Sen. Brown or his daughters, and I really don't care about his political views one way or the other. But, I am thinking that this Griffen women must have suffered a mental breakdown to say behave so childish. Your thoughts?
My eye is teary, why?
My left eye has been watery and tearing all day. it doesn't look swollen at all (though it feels a little swollen). otherwise it doesn't itch or hurt at all. What could it be?
How much is a 92 honda accord worth. its in pretty good condition the only thing is that i have to get it smog?
If you go to kelleybluebook.com you can see what the bluebook cost is. Or go online to craigslist.com and see what other 92 accords are going for. If you can't sell it whole, parting it out is always a great way to still make money.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Stress/depression/self harm?
wow. you are really young to be thinking like this. let me tell you a little about myself. i am writing you this answer form iraq. i am in the military. i just had a friend kill himself about a week and a half ago. we all miss him dearly. i am not going to tell you what you should or shouldn't do but rather give you some of the things i do to keep from getting stressed out. the first thing i realize about myself is that i prefer to be alone. when i get mad or stressed i come to my room and relax. i think that might be a way to go for you. find a way to let out all your agression and make it a positive thing. for me, i play guitar. i have for years. take one thing at a time and don't let things get out of hand. i know what it's like to have things pile up too. i do it all the time and i am almost thirty. i can't help it. there's just too much so i take a deep breath and take one thing at a time. you may feel pressure from others to do alot because they expect you to excel. that's to be expected. i hope i am helping you because you seem like a bright person and i would hate to see you hurt yourself. you have to stop doing that. i know you don't want to hear that but you don't understand how that is going to affect you later on in life. you probably don't see it now but i promise it will. that's all i really have to say. i hope i helped you.
Is the end of the baseball bat harmful as a ?
I have problems with smaller sized s because they do not give me ual pleasure and they do not have the proper girth and depth to properly stimulate my needs. When i masturbate, i need extreme pressure pushing up against my cervix. I'm also worried because after this I may want something bigger because i may get a little looser. Is this whorish for me? I feel like a skank using it but i don't know....
What is the best way to keep pine straw looking nice in the yard?
My pine straw is full of leaves and it looks trasy, but if I rake all the leaves out my pine straw looks skimpy...any advice?
Is is normal to feel this way about hair?
Yeahh i dont think thats normal, i think indeed you might have a phobia of short hair.. theres thousands of phobias so im sure theres a name for it.
Converting MOV. (QuickTime) to MPEG? I just can't do it.?
I have tried every software I have and download more but still cannot convert my QuickTime movies to MPEG. I usually use Blaze Media Pro but I get a Runtime error even after installing the need Windows Media Format (WMF9) file. Then I trien TMPGEnc and get a "file not supported" message. Any help?
Which is worse "*****" or "cracka" when referring to black or white people, respectively?
Its seems that it is more socially acceptable for someone (anyone) to say the word "cracker" than it is to say the word "******". Why is that? Shouldn't they both be equally derrogitory? I feel they NEITHER should be used, but I am boggled by the fact that TV/Radio never "beeps out" the word "cracker" and never fails to when the word "******" is used. To make my point YAHOO has even blanked out the word -n-i-g-g-e-r-. in my dialogue above and DID NOT blank out the word cracker. So my point has been well proven, even in just the simple act of posting this question.
Will a blood transfusion help my 14 week old Neo. Mastiff survive Parvo?
This past friday, my husband and I purchased a 14 week old female Neo. Mastiff. That same evening we took her to the vet to get her second set of vaccs. The next morning, I noticed she was uninterested in food and water, and she began to vomit. I immediately took her to the vet where she was tested for parvo, and it came up positive. They began IV treatment right away. She has been there for 4 day's now. This morning she was very depressed. The vet recommended doing blood work to check her WBC and they came back low (1000) so, at 11:45 this morning they began a blood transfusion. I called and they said it will take 5 hours to complete. Will this blood transfusion significantly raise her survival rate? Does anyone have any experience with this?
How do i solve my Blood Lust?
I have recently awakened or what i believe to be my awakening into Sanguine Vampirism, ( no judgmental comments please) A little back story on my awakening... Ive been experiencing vampiristic traits (that I've blown off as growing up until recently and after much research so this isn't a rushed or un-logical decision) since i was in about 7th grade up untill a few months ago, where it all of a sudden came over me, me and my now ex gf (we didnt break cause of anything to do with Vampirism) we were fooling around when i started to kiss her neck and i couldnt stop... i could taste her sweet blood flowing into me even before blood was drawn. As blood was drawn i could feel a part of me securing its place inside and i felt whole. We continued to share blood for the next few months untill sadly we broke up. Now ive moved to another city and i know noone here and im dying for human blood, ive been eating rare steaks and drinking thick OJ and almost every other recipe i can find on the internet to suffice for blood, (and before anyone says anything about drinking from animals thats not gonna happen i just cant bring myself to do that) but after 3 months the craving is getting so bad ive been salivating for it, ive had dreams about drinking even my best of friends dry, ive even almost drunken from myself which from what ive been told will not help anyways. I dont know how to find a donor or partner that would submit to blood letting and i need help badly. Please leave any suggestions on how to find a way to get access to Human Blood (without attacking people thats just unethical and dangerous for me and them, as well as buying blood from sellers because i have no money) I feel horrible going this long without REAL blood by living on a replacement items and i do not want to goto extreme measures. Basically what im asking is where are the best places and best ways to find vampires like myself or even blood ists who would consent to me feeding on them? (as said up top please dont be judgmental even if your not a sang vamp or vamp period its just good manners)
How to set up a wifi?
im using Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC on my desktop. and im wondering if someone can help me to set up a wifi?
Mother-in-law problem?
My mother-in-law and I have never seen eye to eye. She's done everything imaginable and hurtful but the list could go on an on for hours. I don't have the space to tell every detail. She is not mean to me anymore after I had a baby with her son. I feel really awkward around her because she went from extremely hateful to nothing ever happened between us kinda attitude. I find myself thinking "bullsh*t) every time she says something positive to me. I want to love her and have a relationship with her but i don't know how. I feel like shes putting the happy face on so she can see the baby......Also, after my husband and I got married, I gave her 2 albums of our wedding pictures to look through so she tell me what she wanted. She set the albums down and I asked her if she wanted any of the pictures and she said "No, there is no guarantee that you two will still be married in a year and when Ashley got married (my husbands older sister) I spent over $1,500 on pictures and then burned them after her divorce" I drove home in tears. 2 years later (now) she had the nerve to ask me if she could have the disk of wedding pictures so she could print them off. I didn't know what to say but I really feel like I shouldn't give them to her but it also feels wrong too. I don't know how to take her anymore...its really weird. like scary weird....what are your thoughts and advice? thank you
What bank does Nadya Suleman use!!?
She is selfish and people are freakin idiots for helping her out. I am in the process of buying a house too, so I feel your pain. I read that she is considering doing ....*throws up in mouth* gross.......maybe she has already started and is getting paid from that.
How can you tell scammer loan companies from real loan companies?
I applied online for a personal loan and was contacted by a rep from a loan comapny in New york. I was told the terms over the phone and then faxed the contract, because I have no collateral there is a security deposit that I confirmed is normal from my bank. They stated that I did not get approved through one of their banks but through a private investor. I am to send money via Money gram to an acconts recievable clerk in canada and then the next day i will get the funds into my bank account number. Given this company does have my checking info and has not done anything funky. Should I be worried this is a scamm or does anyone know if this is lagit?
How many credits to become a CNA or LPN or RN in Florida?
I found out that its 92.00 per credit for ociate level and $101.88* per Baccalaureate level. Im trying to get an estimate on what it may cost?
Decals For My Car??
Try going to a href="http://vinylmayhem.com/" rel="nofollow"http://vinylmayhem.com//a ...they have a few cool decals
How to go from to bottle?
My son is 3 months old, and I will be trying to concieve again in Dec when my husband comes home for R&R from Afghanistan, and I need him to start taking a bottle so when the time comes for him to be weaned from milk to just foumula I can do that. Want to make sure I have no hormones left from nursing before we try again, think that was the reason we were unable to get preg before he left. I have tried all kinds of bottles, from avent to flow to soothie, playtex gerber, and the list goes on, he just will not take it, and after 30 min being alone and trying to do this, I give in. I go as far as making sure the nipple of the bottle is warm as well, does anyone have any advice or tricks?
Using instrumentals, copyright infringement?
k. so i'm an aspiring rapper type person. If i use the instrumentals from a song that's been copyrighted, and i use it for my debut mixtape, would this be copyright infringement? i plan on the mixtape being used as a promotional tool, just to get my name out, and keep in mind it is completely FREE. and i would state that i just sampled the song and i didnt actually make it or anything. but the lyrics would be my own. thank you for your help
Is it possible to get into UC?
Im just wondering. But lets say is it possible to get into a UC like Irvine, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Merced, etc. But not UC berkeley or los angeles, with an overall gpa of 2.8-3.0 and have over 50+ hours of community service? If you have overall gpa of 2.8-3.0 and UC requirement is 3.0 around how many community hours should you do in order to replace ur gpa with community service hours. Thanks.
Performing issues-mess up on pitch up only on stage?
It may be nerves more than you think. I've had the same problem. I've never had a problem with pitch in my life but when I get nervous I've known myself to get slightly pitchy. This is due to tensing up. Tension in your vocal chords/throat/body will cause strain, thus not allowing your singing to flow properly. Just make sure you are relaxed before a performance. Calm yourself. Break a leg!
Okay, there are some kind of upscale evening slippers I am trying to describe to everyone I know and...?
no one seems to know anything about the footwear I'm explaining. Keep in mind I'm asking everyone I know who should know fashion as well as searching online for a name and/or photo for them and I continually come up empty. So I finally think, 'Yahoo Answers' I know I will find at least one fashionista who will finally help me solve the mystery of the slipper/sandal? If anyone out there is familiar with the rapper Jay-Z's video "Song Cry" the young lady who portrays his girfriend has them on after he surprises her with the mansion he purchased for them. She's walking through the house and she looks like she maybe in her sleepwear and here's when they show the slippers. Also there is a Residence Inn Marriot Hotel commercial presently being shown on television and one of the guests is a woman, quite acrobatic, doing a cartwheel or handstand on the table and she wears them as well. They are open toe and have a heel that is circular. I say they have a wheel-barrel heel. Please help, name??
Isaac mccoy-first baptist missionary to native americans?
I have traced my family history back to isaac mccoy the first baptist missionary to the native americans. I'm at a dead end and can not find the names of his parents. Does anyone have any leads that can get me back on track?
This is a question for people who think being gay is a choice?
When did you choose to be straight? When did you consciously make a decision to be attracted to the opposite ?
Is smoking weed damaging me?
smoking weed damages GREATLY brain as well as it also damages memory. People who smoke weed are not able to remember stuff anymore as easily as before, even if they smoke once a week. it also damages some intestines and later on in life most people need an operation
Is there any place i can get my license without a permit?
i am 16 about to turn 17 in 2months, and i need a license is there anyplace i can just get my license without getting a permit?
I am, and always have been, a true Brit.and a Patriot?.....?
...but there are two people that I believe are invincible,(on thier own ground), and that is ,..the Isaelis and the Talaban. If you want the details read the history! Meanwhile,..bring our brave lads HOME! They are worth far more than what Gordon Brown and the yanks have condemned to! Been there,..done that,..bought the blood stained t shirt! You can go to the well too often, Gordon!
How do you put roman numerals on a word doent?
If you are numbering a list or creating an outline with them, you can pull down the format menu and select the Roman numeral numbering. Or, if you have auto-formatting on (the default), it will automatically number in Roman numerals after you type the first one: I. [tab] type text [enter].
My fingernail is sort of cracked open?
Go ahead and clip it off. I would clean it with hydrogen peroxide and stick a bandaid on it and kiss the boo boo. :) Youll be ok
One of my favorite authors is Philippa Greggory Ive read some of her books at least 8 times am weird?
i reread books all the time. maybe eight is a little overdoing it but i dont think youre wierd. obsessed, yes. but not wierd.
Where does all the hate from Nick Griffin (BNP) come from?
its not hate its called brains ! why are labour & its voters so thick ? don't they know that britain is just a small island ? these immigrants have contributed nothing ! to the uk because they came here with nothing ! & most are milking the system look @ the state of this country no jobs,imported crime,nhs streched to the brink,billions in debt ! btw the new nazi is called islam why not have a go at muslims as there the ones that plan to take over ! & they love hitler btw so get your facts right !
How are chemical conditions on the Earth's surface different from those inside Earth?
What is different about the interior of the earth the makes it drastically different from the surface of it? After all, life does flourish on the surface not on the interior.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
What do y'all think of my newest poem?
Well... Extremely hard to understand. Too many metaphors. I mean, it sounds nice but if it doesn't have a meaning then there's really not point. Also, "my eyes the windows to the soul" is VERY cliche.
Like blonde jokes ?
haha i had juice in my mouth when i read that and it came out my nose when i laughed lol !!!!!!! haha
How do i make these dreams stop?
i've had a number of reoccuring dreams that my boyfriend is cheating on me with my sister :(... i always cry myself awake, and feel terrible, and don't even want to look at my boyfriend when i wake up, let alone let him touch me.... I heard it's an opposite omen, but i just want those dreams to stop, and if anyone knows how they can stop, please let me know....
Please help me edit my resume...thanks. looking for an Acct.internship, thanks.?
Very good resume. Couple pointers though: What was your position at Quincy College? Needs to listed. Also if you have received any recognition in a job - be sure to put it down. such as received award for increased productivity.
Wat the helllll shood i do?
dump the old boyfriend. it is clear he is not right for you. you outlined everything wrong with him after all. the new guy likes you. jealousy has already come up. stay with him.
For Ladies Why You Married Your Husband? Love? Money? ? All Three ? Only Two? Only One? Total Percent 100%?
I not marry, my lover have plenty maybe 6 times every day, he buy me $15,700 watch have much money, I love him too. Percentage hard say, maybe 40% love, 40% , 20% money.
Why is being struck by lightening bad?
Well inside your body, the main way for communication from the brain to the body are by electrical signals (from the neurons). With a jolt of electricity, this disrupts the signal. (think of it as lightning striking an electrical wire.. there is a surge of electricity, and without a surge protector... well your screwed). Also, inside the heart, electrical signals are used to control you heart beat. Mess around with this and you could get a heart attack. Plus you won't always die.. you have a high chance though.
I can't do abortion, legalization of marijuana, gun control, euthanasia (isted suicide), same marriages, animal rights, stem cell research, and capital punishment. So that narrows the field a bit! BUT YOUR THOUGHTS ARE SO APPRECIATED!! ANY IDEAS??
What are the breeds that are restricted or banned in the Mesa, AZ area?
Please help. I am moving into a Mesa apartment and would like to know if I can own the type of dog i'd like to own.
Can anyone help my standardize these arguments?
The conclusions look pretty good. For number two, I'm not sure about the tense. It could be "I had" or "I will have" as well, but I don't think that matters too much. You might also consider adding "in the forest" to your first one.
Hello, i have a 1999 Pontiac Firebird it has a v6 3.8l engine with no modifications.?
does anyone know the best performance parts i could get for between 700 to 900 dollars? i was thinking a cold air intake, supercharger, and a performance ship. does anyone know where i could find a trusted site to but these from if so thanks.
Anyone else??? Allergy Test Result -- 3 ways of testing all different results???
it is unfortunate but yes allergies can be this confusing with tests. you are good as long as you know what to avoid and how to treat. i am surprised that you also react to anti histamines, how does your doctor treat you, don't tell me that you get oral or injectable steroids always, beware of eating in restaurants etc, good luck
Whats a TSA security inspector?
I heard about but the job really dont know what it is and what they do.. so far all i can tell is that it has to do with security duh haha, but really, do they carry guns and can they arrest people or do they have to call the cops or are they cops?
What would be considered the ultimate team (pokemon diamond and pearl)?
I suggest you ditch this team. A good 4 pokemon Team that is unstoppable is actually a level 100 Spiritomb, 100 Pikachu, 100 Sablye, and level 100 Kingdra. If you go to Pokemon.Marriland.com you will see it has a pokemon team builder and this team only has 2 super effective 2types against your team. This team is the team I have and I have won over 128 wifi battles and Im taking this team to the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Video Game Showdown this summer in NYC.
I'm a nurse here in US. 4 mor yrs to be citizen, husband in Philipins--any fast way for us to be together?
I'm a female nurse and a permanent resident of US. I want to be with my husband as soon as possible, but it's hard to get a visa for him to come over, taking about 4 years of waiting too, same time as I would be getting my citizenship, and petition him for a fiance visa.. so, I just want to know if there are other options for us.. are there nursing agencies who sponsor a permanent resident nurse and husband from abroad? what are the other options I have? I'm desperate...need your help...
Oi! Wot planet was Lorraine on last night?
IDK , but what was that fake irish accent she was talking with all about . didn't do her any good did it ?
Why are there so many rude people on here?
I have tried to be kind and answer questions the best way I know how, but all I am seeing is rudeness in return. I think I will just quit Q&A.
Good, funny autobiographies?
Well, "I AM JACKIE CHAN" is a pretty good one and funny too. It includes pictures. I just love jackie chan!
We had a live orchestra in our school whereby we had to record it in camera?
The inputs of vocals and musical instruments were taken in a Yamaha mixer and the output from th mixer was given to the camera (Sony PD 170). After recording when it was played, the audio was very loud , and it just got dstorted and nothing cold be heard clearly. What are the adjustments required to get a perfect sound in the camera ? How can the recorded audio be rectifed ? I use Avid Express DV software for editing. Any audio software that could clean the audio?
Should US Reestablish Tariffs on Imports?
NAFTA and GATT has succeeded in destroying US companies ability to compete because of much lower wages ,benefits etc paid by off shore companies (including US owned companies importing product from outside US.)Other countries have put high tariffs on goods from US shouldn't we do the same?
Would a messy flat be a turn off?
If she likes you and isnt about money, then yes. You dont want a girl who cant get ped simple thigns. The fact that you even have your own place is a plus, and if you guys really like each other, maybe you can do some of the fixing up together.. I love doing that kind of stuff
Surely the idea of perpetual growth is infinitely insane!!?
It is the way of the ever expanding universe. Isolationism is not the answer, we need to colonize other planets and not depend one one single planet to continue meeting our growing needs..
Neighbour complaining about dog barking?
I have 2 GSD dogs, my youngest 20 months sometimes barks at night and it annoys me too, not that it is continuous - she may bark for 2 - 3 mins but at night it feels like forever- but what she is barking at is the sound of other dogs barking in the distance - I have heard them - obviously my neighbour hasnt as they are that faint. She also barks if she hears strange noises - to which my neighbour never complained about when they looked out their window and realised it was an intruder in their garden at one time. So what would you do. Dogs bark - full stop, dont particularily want get her a collar, like I said the barking is NOT continuous.
How do I find a small child to donate stuff to?
or is this not a good thing to do? I have brand new stuff, like 2 huge elmo stuff dolls. a pair of boots and a pair of Vans shoes for a child. I have baby toys for 6 months to maybe 3yrs. all gently used. I have bag of clothes and 2 blanket sleepers with tags still on them, Carter brand. I thought maybe a less fortunate family could give this to their child. How do I find that family? I dont want to donate to a place that is going to sell the stuff, like goodwill salvation army and besides they pick out the good stuff for them selves. I have volunteered with them before. Craigslist is kinda out there.
What's your thoughts on the Mackenzie Phillips story?
It looks like she is telling the truth to me. But how very shocking it all is! She's catching it from her family because she let the "secret" out. I guess that she knew that it would happen. How sad the whole situation is huh.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Islam debunked?
Whats wrong with my bike?
my bike a klr 250 has been sitting for like 7 months without being started yesterday i got the flat tire fixed and was riding it with no problems. then earlier i was heading to work got about 5 miles with no problems then i downshifted to 3rd gave it gas and all a sudden the bike was like sputtering like i was running out of gas and now my bike wont stay running for more than a second and when i give it gas its not wanting to rev and just dies....whats the likely problem is it a gunked up carb ??
Chemistry Help Please ! :@?
Could someone help me with this question and take me through it step by step ? Thanks :D When 100cm^3 of dilute hydrochloric acid, concentration 0.1mol l-1, is neutralised by sodium hydroxide solution. 570J of heat is liberated. Calculate the enthalpy of neutralisation of nitric acid
What could be wrong with me?
Please visit your Doctor this is not the type of forum you should be asking health advice on as you never know who is out there giving incorrect information.
What are your suggestions..gritty, teary eyes, a bit tender to touch causing a little puss to form?
My mom just awoken with her eyes teary and a bit tender, please any suggestions, slight redness as well, what can I do to ease this discomfort?
Any preggo women out there who've had the down syndrome screening us and bloodwork?
Gee..that's a nightmare for you. If you honestly believe there is no history of d/s in both families, you don't have to worry. You and man is not blood related. Let's just cross our fingers and pray this would not happen. Why subject yourself to this meaningless procedure and why give your ob a chance to play around the neck of your baby - what if they miss the spot to place the needle and more damage was done. I will pray for you and your baby. Your worrying needlessly will affect your health as well as the baby. Good luck and God bless.
OK guys WR pick this week is???????
i would go donte stallworth. out of all those teams, jets have the weakest D. plus with moss in there for you too, there's better chances of one of those guys getting a TD if you have them both out there. stallworth is playing well right now.
Any home remedies for removing nail polish? Please it's urgent.?
Hi I have a wedding in like an hour to go to, and i messed up my nail polish. I don't have time to run to the stores and buy nail varnish Please help me someone!!
Does any one know the Name of the song to this Video by Pam Ann?
a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnlZmPGcj1o" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnlZmPGcj…/a
Why do I have on and off feelings for my boyfriend?
we have been dating for more than a year. but during the course of our relationship, my feelings for him would be on and off. there would be times when i'd be so in to him, and other times, i'd feel annoyed or bored and it would feel like i don't even like him. he's a great guy, and he's really thoughtful, loving, caring and nice. he's also a romantic guy and he's done a lot for me. there are times when i feel he's perfect for me, because he loves me for who i am. but other times, i feel like..i'm settling too early, and haven't explored much (this is my first relationship...and i'm 19 now), and that i could find someone possibly even better. i have broken up with him once because it got to the point where i knew i just didn't like him anymore and have been mistreating him. but within less than a month, we got back together again because i missed him. i know, it sounds cliche. is this a normal thing? or is it because of our history - we did start off rocky. we had a lot of fights when we started and he would always be so demanding because i never gave him much. but that all improved over time, and of course , after the breakup and get-back-together, he's been treating me wonderfully. but i'm now back to feeling off about it and i'm not sure what to do. i know if i were to be honest with him, he would try and work it out, because he never wants the relationship to be over - he loves me a lot. and i'm not sure whether to end it because he's such a great guy to me. thoughts?
How do you catch Azelf!~?~!~?~!~? in pokemon Diamond and Pearl?
how do you catch azelf without a masterball? i have tried 9 dusk and 10 ultra on him. his health was red and only a little sliver. am i doing something wrong?
Bleeding from my bottom(way tmi)?
umm i don't know how to say this but all that diarrhea probably burned your A$$. i'm being serious though. hah that's happened to me not being pregnant
Asbestos Exposure in School....?
You are probably in an odds area less than that for getting struck by lightning. About one in a million. The reference has some reasonable info.
I want to know what happens to these two characters in "Days of our lives"?
In the soap opera "Days of our live", there's this part that Sean is being kidnapped by Jane, an Bel thinks he has left her, I'm following the series but I can't wait to see what happens at the end. Does Bell move on with Fillip? or Sean finds a way to scape and get to her?
In george orwell 1984 ?
Julia tells Winston that even though the Party can torture a person and make him say anything, they cannot make him believe it. How do you feel about this statement? How easy is it to brainwash a person? Do you think governments actually use brainwashing?
Im 14, is it legal to carry a lighter.?
Well my friend gave me a lighter today (it has weed decals all over it) and i was just wondering if it is legal for me to carry it. Please note that it has a big weed sign on the front (it's a clipper).
Strange sensation when I imagine my past?
It's called a Nostalgic feeling. yes, I get those a lot. I go back to the time I watched Balto (1995) Balto 2 (2002)...AND Balto 3(2004)...I miss my childhood. lol!
Can someone state some differences between Nascism and Fascism?
See Nazism and Fascism were contemporary movements around the world war . The nazism was propogated by ADOLF HITLER and fascism was propogated by BENITO MUSSOLINI . Nazism was propogated in Germany and fascism was propogated in Italy.
Filipinos, are you for or against euthanasia?
Omg this is one of the stupid questions I've read all day. Why are you asking this of a race, the ideals of a single race can be very diverse. Unless of course you mean residents of the Philippines. I'm gonna ume your asking for Philippine residents. But, I'm not one so good luck.
2008 ford focus 0-60?
7.9, sorry but those things dont really do anything but make your car sound different. to me its just a waste of money
TOOTHPASTE?!! Whitening?
Hey, we have all seen those commercials about brighter white smiles. With the strips and the blah blah. i just want some good handy dandy whitening toothpaste. What are the best brands that have worked for you?
Is there a program like this, for windows?
Yes there is a very good programme and several others... The best is called VNC. Search it in google/yahoo and get it byt it is not free.
Matching lamps and tables?
I just got some very cool modern silver lamps. They are solid silver and round. Hard to explain but I love them. They are large, too large for a sofa table and the mantle which were where I planned to use them. I have a basic cream paint in the living room and dark brown leather furniture and cream shag rugs. I am wondering what type of end table would look best. I would love mirrored but have 4 kids, so that is a lot of cleaning! Any ideas? I have some retro (as in 70's) tables that I was thinking about painting and topping in gl? Any ideas to help me out?
Does anyone know of a Military Academy in San Pedro,CA for High School students?
I am looking for a Military Academy for a high school boy and girl in the near neighborhood of Downey or Wilmington please. Thank you.
COME ON AND HELPS ME OUT?? Is it ok to buy my kids a mobility scooter?
COME ON AND HELPS ME OUT OK? Is it ok to buy my kids a mobils scoot? i was going to gets them a regular motorcyc scoot to share to drives back and forths to the local high school so that i dont haves to drive the minis van every morn ok? I called a local scoot shop and asked if they had motorized mobile scoots and they said yes so we packed up the kids in the minis van and headed to Scoot Shop. Once we got there the guy showed me the scoots and they were NOT regulars motored scoots they were mobils scoots and i said "NO OK? my kids need a motorcyc scoot just to get to and from schools" and the guy said "ok well we only sell mobility scoots here mam" so then i decided "Hey maybe a mobils scoot will be fine for the kids, they are cheaps, and have a very low speedometers so i know the kids wont be speedings around towns" is it ok to buy my kids a mobils scoot instead of a motorcyc scoot? also, they have better steering capabilties and a large bask to keep all of their books and book satchels.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
In the NFL during the 1970s, were workouts mostly push ups, sit ups, pull ups, calisthenics?
Because weightlifting was still a fairly foreign concept as opposed to now where it is highly popular among all sorts of people. Plus, I would think they would not have the fitness machines we have today. This, and I guess there were not as many trainers or nutritionists igned to each time as there are today. This and the limited number of people on the medical staff
Do you go overboard with Christmas food or just get what you know will be eaten?
I tend to buy raw food when it's on special and freeze it. It means that together with jars of antipasti, and the gammon(yes, me too). Ican provide plenty of good food, and not throw stuff out, even if the offspring turn up with lots of pals at Hogmanay. Just a point. If you get good steak on special offer, keep it in the fridge under cooking oil, with a bay leaf or two, and some peppercorns(no salt). I use an old icecream container. It keeps fresh for weeks, and doesn't get ruined, as good steaks always do when frozen. Put them straight out of the oil into a hot dry pan.Have a good time.
LGBT: Do you know the way to San Jose?
bryans n your reference is rats race the movie when the young boi was in the car on here way 2 santa fe.....lmao!!!!!!
What could this dream mean?
Ok guys I don't know what is going on with me. Please if you don't believe in dreams then don't answer... I am dreaming again and I woke up with this image of ants coming out of a trash can. The dream was that I am in a store like Home depot or something, I am ignoring this man, I am trying to get away from him which i do by going outside. He follows me, where I see this dumpster and it has alot of trash in it and at the bottom there are ants all over. One bites me on the foot. What could this mean?
How accurate are sonograms when your further along?
according to my last menstrual cycle im 21 weeks and 2 days today but today i went and had a gender sonogram done and she said according to my baby's measurements i was 22 weeks along...so which am i? which is more accurate? i know its a couple days defferent but it does make a difference in my situation
What to do when receive message undelivered from an address you have not set to?
Set up Message Rules I would have thought. I don't get any rubbish like that because of the way mine is set up and they are deleted at the server as soon as they arrive!
Early pregnancy tight tummy? symptoms?
is having a very tight feeling in the lower tummy area along with nausea a symptom of preg? i got my af on time but it was super super light ans spotty and 3 days off n on. not the usual 8days heavy flow. anyone early preg ge tight feeling?
Does teething really make acid reflux worse?
When my son got his two bottom teeth, he was taking Prevacid. He was in pain from the teething, but he managed. Now, we had him off of the Prevacid (hoping the reflux had gone) and he is getting his top two teeth. He screams all day long even with Motrin and Tylenol. He screams at his feedings, arches and hates to lay flat...all of the old reflux symptoms back again. Can teething affect reflux?
Help! kinda big situation! need some views and opinions and respones!?
kay, we met on facebook through a really close mutual friend, i am 14, and he is 18, yeah yeah, age difference, i'm a bad person, and i do bad things, blah blah i know that whatever. so it was a snow day today, and we met up with my best friend aswell. but then she leaves us, and i kinda wanna go home because the mutual friend said if he doesn;t get what he wants, bad things will happen, and yeah.... so we go to the park for a bit, and i am always tring to think of conversation because he just keeps staring at me, and it was kinda awkrawd, so we keep walking, and he thought i was 17, and i was like nooo, i'm 14, but he thought that coz all myfriends are older, coz i'm from england..... but he ike doesnt care. so we get to my house (outside) and i say bye, and i give him a hug, and a pat on the back pahaha, and he is staring at my like he wants a kiss, but i didn't really want to because i had a very bad regretful experience with my last guy, and so he leaves. And i KNOW he wants to do 'other things' with me, and i'm all, well hmmm, maybe sometime, and he's like no rush.... he's pretty hot, and really funny and gentlemanly, it seems. so then he asked me if i wanted to blaze it this friday, and i was like i'll see. so it would just be me and him and i'm not THAT stupid..... so i tell him i like him a lot, but i don;t wanna get into anything due to my last 'relationship' and he's all 'i understand' and he still asked me if i wanted to blaze it, and i was all, well imma get THC drug tested so that probs wouldnt be a good idea, so no, sorry, (but i am actually gonna get tested) and now i don't kw what i should do.... should i go? do you think he wants/wanted to try use me? or just blaze it? or just be friends? and do you think it sounds like he might try it on this friday? please help. and yeah yeah yeah..... i do bad things. and i'm not a virgin, and i regret that quiiite a lot, and i was stupid. and i can handle my drink, and yeah.
Can Anyone lead me to a good website where I can locate a Tekken 6 arcade machine?
I have been looking around in local arcades for a Tekken 6 or Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion arcade machine to play. I live in Southern California in the Orange County area. Anybody know of any arcades that might have one or a website that can help?
Optimization problems (calculus) help?!?
A box is to be made out of a 12 by 16 piece of cardboard. Squares of equal size will be cut out of each corner, and then the ends and sides will be folded up to form a box with an open top. Find the length , width , and height of the resulting box that maximizes the volume. (ume that w
Pregnant girlfriend trying to take daughter away from me?
My ex-girlfriend is about 6 months pregnant.. we were fine and everything until this last spring break. She gets a new best friend (female) and she asks my ex if she will go to PC with her and 4 other guys.. I had plans for us to be together on spring break and she says shes going to PC.. and completely leaves me. I find out she goes to one of the guys house with her friend one day and completely lies to me and Im enraged I call yelling and stuff and she breaks up with me calling me psycho? She now says shes goin to try to keep me out of my daughters life and I might as well give up. She has been in drunk driving accidents, been caught in the same car with weed, pretty much got kicked out of one high school because she took pills and had with 3 guys the same much and started a bunch of drama... I got with her because I thought she had changed for the good and everything was good until this spring break and its been downhill our families hate each other we hate each other.. my question ism since I have never been arrested or anything like that (except for a speeding ticket) will she actually be able to keep my daughter out of my life? I know she wont be a good mother and I just want to save my daughter but I know theres no way I can just take her away from her mother and I have college starting soon.
I have applied to UC Irvine, UC Davis, and UC Merced.?
When I went to My Admission they have shown both my official score and my self-reported score. I haven't send any scores to UC Irvine and UC Davis yet, and I only sent it to UC Merced. Do I still have to send my ACT/SAT reports to all of them, even though they already have the official scores?
The Rapture,Caught Away to Meet the Lord—Who,When and How?
Matt. 24:21, 22: “Then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.” (This does not say that “the chosen ones” will all have been taken to heaven before the great tribulation, does it? Rather, it holds out the prospect to them, along with ociates in the flesh, of surviving that great tribulation on earth.)
Potential destinations where iverson can be iverson?
Based on what you're saying, I think the Mavs would be the best place for A.I. The thing is, we have not seen Iverson play with a star big-man. This is only if Kidd leaves though.
PS3 games...?
OK I've played formula1chmpionship it was OK not special. NBA LIVE 08 didnt like it I prefer pc version less graphics. All star football ps1 graphics lol why when i have madden lol. rachet and clank ehh kids game. NOW WHAT? COD4 i hear is amazing but ive been told graphics arent great but gameplay is great and I'm not a big fan of 1st person shooters . I prefer 3rd person. I love the idea of asins creed but looks too repetitive for lasting appeal. Any thoughts on games to buy? Also if it's complicated I wont like it.
Building a trike but stuck on the handbrake?
father in law is building a trike using the front end of a Peugeot 106, m reg, it has disc brakes on the front, but needs to know if its possible to adapt it to add a handbrake caliper
Does anybody have any problems with deletion of youtube accounts?
My account has been "permenantly disabled" two times! I don't post anything vulgar, I barely go on there.
Are you Dyslexia?
Sometimes when reading I put words in the sentence that aren't there, I also get numbers back wards. Anyone else with symptoms of being Dyslexia?
Making a straight transual woman?
i bbelieve this may work in conjunction with female hormones and possibly hypnosis or the intrduction of hypnotic drugs. the mind is a powerful tool and if someone wants this treatment to work for them then it may be possible. i hope your transformation is going well. enjoy your new found femininity
Info on a missing person luz c. ortiz since november 23, 1987?
left behind 2 daughters and 1 son. Was last seen leaving her home Julia de Burgos in Puerto Rico about 7am. At the time there ages were 4,7, and 13 years old. Some people say she was taken hostage other dont really know what happened. Please help my family find Luz C. Ortiz She was know to us as Lucy who was married to Mr. Cesar Ramirez (may he rest in peace.)
Is it right for a psychiatrist to do this?
When I was 9 I had a bad time due to violence from my mums husband then at 12 we moved but she still stayed with him but he didn't live with us (long story) at 13 I started to become really upset about nothing and I started to cut my wrists my mum found out got really angry so with all my power I stopped. then at 14 we moved and my mums husband moved in with us again and the violence started but 8 months later my mum had enough and chucked him but he is still around to see his kids. since then everything in the past has just come back in memories and I feel so down I know its normal for teenagers to feel upset but I don't think to this level, it got so bad my attendance at school was 35%. I started to cut again my mum found out and I went to see a psychiatrist I told her everything, I was paranoid, I found it so hard to talk to people I can't even make eye contact, I cut myself, I have mostly depressive days but some times I can be on such a happy day its almost unreal like I'm invincible(this is what bothers me most, my different moods they are such an extreme difference), my attendence, my confidence which is very low, the fact I worried every hates me and loads more. She said I don't need counselling but she would talk to me as a friend, after 3 trips to her she said well I think your fine now and you don't need to see me anymore. knowing I still self harm, I'm so depressed and all my other problems, nothing changed. Was this right of her?? or do I have problems?
Is there such an animal as the short haired Maine Coon cat?
Nope. The breed standard calls for all that long hair. If anyone is trying to tell you otherwise, they're either trying to make money from the uninformed, or don't know what they are talking about.
Do you think weddings are not important?
For me, the reason to have a wedding was very simple. My husband has an extended family that is close and very supportive of us. It was important for us to have them, as well as some of our friends, there when we exchanged vows. It would have been rude to invite that many people out to witness a ceremony without offering a reception so we did that as well.
Dark vs Light?
I am dark skinned and my bf is light skinned. She had a conv. w/ some one that was dark skinned and they told her about her romantic issuses as an elementeray / middle schooler vice a high schooler/college student. She talked about how she felt like her darker skin was the reason that she did not have a boy friend ect. My bf called me b/c she did not think that I felt the same way. I told her told her yes i did and she told me that was news to her. Just F.M.I how many of you darker skinned people exprinced this. and what was the moment that you realized that That you were not in style or back in style?
Help what should I do my girlfriend wants to wait until we are in engaged before kissing?
Me and my girlfriend started dating about a month ago and talked for about a month before that. I am a freshmen in college and she is a sopre in college. We are both very big Christan's. Every thing is going great we hold hands, hug, snuggle together, and even kiss on the cheek, but she doesn't want to kiss on the lips until she is engaged. she believes it will lead to before marriage. I don't want to wait that long before kissing but i agreed to it because i really like her a lot. I don't think little pecks on the lips is bad, and i would like to some how convince her that they aren't bad. How can i do this without upsetting her or making her mad?
Need advice on my tattoo ideas?
So I want to get a tat pretty bad, My last name is Withers so my first idea was going to be putting my last name in old english down on my right arm tricep with a cross for the T. But when I asked my old brother and sister they didn't think it was a great idea to put my last name down my arm. They asked at first if I forgot our last name and needed help with it. So now I'm rethinking the idea of a tattoo. One would be going back to the last name or I would put a Yankee symbol on the inter left forearm. I'm a die hard bleed pinstripes fan of the Yanks so that is why its my other idea. What do you think, Other ideas excepted.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Which kawasaki bike should i get? kx 125, 250 or 250f?
I'm 14 years old, 5'10/11 and not too weak i guess... (i play alot of hockey.) i'm planning on buying a kawasaki bike and now sure which one i want, i want one with alot of power, good for taking jumps and climbing hills sometimes... lol, so i guess something like a stunt bike:P lol... please answer (:
Nail ridges?
I have ridges on one of my fingernails only (right hand pinkie finger). I just started noticing the ridges developing a month or two ago. What causes the ridges and why would I only get them on one finger? How can I make them go away?
Scientific Breakthrough- Could this lead to legal polygamy?
Just a heads up man, just because some woman hands out sloppy seconds to another dude doesn't mean that there are 3 sets of DNA mixing together in the primordial soup pot down there. Just a nasty mess, and the only thing that might get ped along is a nasty rash.
How can I find out the number of books sold by a certain author? Specicially, lesser known writers.?
I am researching writers that you could refer to as conspiracy theorists i.e, David Icke or Milton William Cooper. I am looking for statistcs on the number of books they have sold to get an idea of readership. I know, for instance, that these books can by purchased on the shelf at Borders, so I am uming there is a supply and demand here. Any thoughs on how I can determine these numbers, for any author really.
My apartment complex is saying they never received my 60 day notice! My moving date is in 3 weeks... HELP!?
Back in December, the complex left a note on my door saying that it was time to renew my lease or turn in a 60 day notice. I called the complex and told them that I work crazy hours and am not able to come to the office during office hours to get the form I need to sign to vacate my apartment. They told me they would leave the "intent to vacate" form on my door. When I got home that night I had the form, signed it, filled out the info requested...put it in the envelope with my rent for that month and dropped it off all in one envelope in the rent drop box. Now here we are three weeks before my move out date and they are leaving notices on my door saying they never received my notice. I called them today and told them the whole situation, and they told me that they would speak with the manager and get back to me. They haven't called me and and aren't answering when I call. What am I supposed to do?! It's their word versus mine! HELP!
Help with guys?! plz help me!?
haha. i have went out with many guys. and might i add that they were very hot but i was in the same position as you i wasnt super popular but i wasnt a nerd. i had a lot of friends. but the way i got the guy to notice was me at a party i was in this room putting my stuff down and he came in and we started talking and then we left and the door locked so he laughed at me but came with me to find someone to open it then later that night we talked and then we started dancing. so dont seem to desperate or anything but casually walk past him looking like you're having a fun time and be fun around him and wear your cutest clothes and laugh at all his jokes. CONFIDENCE IS KEY! but dont change who you are because it wont work. eventually he'll see you for you and learn to love you for it
I really like this guy but need help!?
k , there is this guy i really like... he is really cute and nice... he is my age but started school early so he is in the year above me... he won't go out with me... what r some ways that i could get him 2 rethink his opinion of me? I love him so much and all i do is stare at him dreaming he is mine but back 2 reality, he doesn't like me... only cuz i'm a little overweight and not as pretty as he would want... what can i do 2 change his opinion of me? I can't get him out of my mind!!! Help!!! Please!!!
Rhodesia and imperialism help.?
a href="http://users.erols.com/sespec/webquests/imperialismafrica/ImperialismInAfrica.htm" rel="nofollow"http://users.erols.com/sespec/webquests/…/a
Gastric byp? safe?
I'm 19 around 180 pounds and 5'5 well no matter what I can't loose weight. I completly cut out junk food and sugars and only drink water Nd eat small portions. I'm very very. Very sensitive about my body its discusting. So I was gonna get lipo suction but that wouldn't get everything so I'm thinking of. gettin gastric byp but dont really no much about it at all.
Help kelsey to drive please?
ive had my learnings in texas for over a year but i lost the paper do you think i could go to the dmv and they would give me the test and stuff any ways cus im in the records or would they be all weird and will they even except my out of state learnings permit to be made into a licenes in virginia?
115,000,000 kWh per year is equivalent to how many KW?
I'm trying to convert because I want to compare our 6,587,200 (6587.2MW) substation capacity in terms of the power consumption of other areas/countries. Im not an engineer btw.
Getting from Disneyworld Florida to Universal parks. Easy when not driving? Cheap?
Since you say you do not drive, I guess renting a car isn't an option. There is always a cab, or also there are a couple of car services that I have always seen highly recommended on various travel sites. One is called Quicksilver (www.quicksilver-tours.com), and one is Happy Limo (www.happylimo.com). They are supposed to be good and have various different size cars/vans/limos to suit your needs and size of your party. I would check out their rates, and you might also try calling them and ask if they will give you a deal if you travel with them several days in a row.
Why did mathematicians allow what happened to Giordano Bruno?
I've read he had friends and many who followed his work. Was the religious crowd so powerful that they humiliate, harm and kill such a brilliant man of science and math on a whim? It makes me wonder what mankind lost with his murder. What could be done to stop people from crucifying or burning people at the stake for promoting math discoveries?
Do protein shakes and milk proteins actually work...?
i went through about 60 quids worth and i did nothing (that's with exercise) now Ive got a power worker from Argos cost me 40 and does about about 5 times better
Atheists...just a friendly question..?
It depends on the atheist. Atheists aren’t lumped into a specific category. “Twisting Bible verses” isn’t not an atheist thing, but rather an individual trait. Thus, what the atheist does depends on his/her own character, not atheism itself. In my opinion however, many atheists on this site have nothing better to do and enjoy starting trouble. If you have this idea about atheists (as a group,) please note it doesn't apply to every individual atheist. Other than that, you wouldn't even know people are atheist to begin with.
Does the Christian God answer all prayers? ?
god gave man free will, so asking that all of man kind repent would be taking away mankinds free will, so yea you are wasting you time asking for that because god cannot mess with free will. so by asking that all man kind repent it shall not be answered because it isnt in gods will to take away that free will. im sorry about your friend btw
I was thinking of getting a tattoo and want to know how painful it is ?
Worse than a bee sting, but not as bad as being kicked in the face with soccer cleats. Hope that helps!
If WWE did a 3 DVD Sgt. Slaughter set what would you include?
I don't know if I could come with enough to fill three discs, but off the top of my head Mid Atlantic against Wahoo McDaniel, all televised matches with the Iron Sheik, I believe their was one on All American Wrestling 2/84, then I believe 4/84 at MSG, 5/84 MSG, at least one other regular match at the Capital Centre, and then the 2 bootcamp matches the Cap Centre one and the famous MSG one on 6/16/84. I would include the Wrestlemania match against Hogan, The Desert Storm match against Hogan at MSG. Match against Flair from AWA. The alley street fight against Patterson from MSG 5/81. That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Occupational therapy istant, physical therapy istant, or registered nurse?
I am a 31 year old male and looking to get into a career in the medical field. Which one out of these 3 would you recommend?
Why can the TSA tuch my junk but i cant touch a random chicks without being charged for ual ult?
He can touch your "junk" because you said it was OK. If you said, no, he wouldn't (you'd get the scanner). Hence the difference between you copping an unwelcome feel from some nearby girl and the TSA... It's a question of permission.
There's something wrong with my um... "Down there"?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Most woman can't not by shoving their fingers into their . A woman generally s when their oris stimulates. So you should try rubbing your at different pressures and speeds. And I agree with the user above me, showerheads!!! : p
Survivor contestants that have partaken in questionable material after "stardom"?
More a curiosity than anything, I would like to know which Survivor contestants have posed or been videotaped in a "questionable" matter. I know Ami Cusack, Jenna Lewis, Jerri, Heidi and Jenna, and Sarah Jones. Are there others?
So was R2D2 an actual character or was he like the equivalent of a house hold appliance or something?
I used to love the witty banter between him & C-3PO, so how come darth vader never figured out that C-3PO was on the death star?
I'm turning 14, what games should we play? (Girls)?
It's not a sleepover its jus hanging out :) im looking for ideas like puttin mentos in coke, baking soda and vinager (explode)!!!!!!!!!!! thanks!!!!!!!
From vocabulary list 11, choose the word that best completes each sentence.?
I charge $35 an hour for tutoring services. How much would you spent to have someone else do your homework?
Where can i Buy Decal vinyl in singapore ?
That kind of Decal Vinyl can be use with any electrical device like those skin for your mobile phone/ipod .....But i want the diy print it yourself decal vinyl that is white and plain,for me to print it with my inkjet printer.
Follow-up: British Gas still refuses to let me go?
If you are "MISLED" when entering into a contract the contract is automatically void, in law. You have to prove they misled you. I would insist on talking to the highest person. I got the Chairman of BT once when i insisted on it. Put in writing recorded delivary and email, and phone keep records. Stop payments and see what happens. The trouble is they can black mark your credit rating. But in regard to what you say, there is no legal contract because they misled yo.
Mechanically Separated Turkey....?
What goes through your mind when you read this on a label? Do you envision a turkey in a vice grip being ripped to shreds???
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
My 150 cc atv is chugging when i press on accellerator?
Most likely yes, since it's in your carb. you have to clean it out and put regular gas instead of premium.Why did you put premium gas in your atv anyway?
Is it possible that that the Church of Scientology set up their own bomb threats?
I believe trying to frame Anonymous for a bomb threat is right up Scientology's alley. It fits in with their criminal response to any kind of criticism at all. I hope no one falls for it.
VPK Program in Port St Lucie,FL?
I am moving to PSL from Stuart and would like to know if there are any schools offering Voluntary PreK in PSL? Thanks!
Do you have suggestions to improve this essay introduction?
Great speeches have the power to not only inform, but to inspire and move people into change and action. On December 10, 1992, then Prime Minister of Australia, Paul Keating, delivered a moving speech about the plight of Indigenous Australians, at Redfern Park in Sydney, a neighbourhood with a historically large Aboriginal population. Recently, on February 13 2008, our current Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivered a speech of a similar nature, an official apology to the stolen generations from parliament – an apology many people in Australia believed to be long overdue. These speeches were delivered over 15 years apart, and the political climate had changed dramatically, as over this time the Howard government had refused to apologize to the stolen generations, despite the calls to do so. Through using persuasive language devices such as references to history, repetition and metaphorical and emotive language, both these speeches served to highlight the plight and issues of aboriginal Australians, take responsibility for our role in their past and present struggles, encourage reconciliation and healing, and influence a widespread change in attitudes, to bring an end to racial conflict. Internationally, both speeches received attention, so were not only delivered to a direct national audience of both Indigenous and non-indigenous Australians, but to a much wider international audience. In doing this, they also served the purpose to illustrate to the rest of the world Australia’s strength and unity, with our values of equality, compion, reconciliation, and a “fair go”, being what shapes our identity.
Are you a cat or dog person?
or a bird person or a rodent person or an aligator person or a hippo person or a snake person or a lion person??????????????????
YUGIOH IF i upgrede my deck with this card?PLEASE rate?
yea this is a better lookin D-Hero Deck, u just need Mystical Space Typhoon and maybe a couple of Dust Tornados to get rid of those cards that block certain monsters from attacking... u can take out that extra Dark City for a Mystical Space Typhoon, Destiny Mirage and D-Shield for the couple of Dust Tornados... they help out when u really need them, anyways, u can copy that one move from Aster Phoenix and add a Ring of Magnetism to ur Captain Tenacious, who i dont see in here... because u can use that D-Shield and have a Invincible Monster that Resurrects defeated Monsters, much like the Decoyroid/Rescueroid/Ambulanceroid combo, anyways just a suggestion, but ya Plasma is a powerful card, just wait for ur opponents strongest monster or there cheapest, the extra Dreadmaster u can take out for Plasma, the 2 Dogma's will be hard enough to summon out, unless u add another Clock Tower Prison for the extra Dark City... anyways u have a good deck, i like that Return Soul card, it helps wen someone uses Lighting Vortex, anyways u can keep one of those Mirages, but its best to keep in ur side deck in a tournament, see wat ur opponent has an ya.. anyways 9/10, its all good, but better if u had Plasma, Malicious is a good card also, but its difficult gettin him, same with Destiny Draw... anyways good luck in tournaments with this deck, u'll give someone a run for there money with this deck
How much is it to mail something outside the United States?
I want to get my Friend named Ana a christmas gift and she lives in Croatia and I'm just wondering how much it will be to send her gift from the united states to Croatia? Thank You!!
Australian national anthem - all things bright and beautiful?
Im sorry but youre wrong. I play both of these songs on the piano and I can tell you they are NOTHING alike.
My bite guard won't stay in....?
I had my dentist make me a bite guard. It won't stay in; I've bought them at the store and they also won't stay in. Has anyone ever heard of or used denture adhesive to keep them in? If there are any other idea's I'm ready to listen, cause my grinding is really doing serious damage to my teeth. I haven't been able to eat solids since June!
My girl friend broke up with me?
I have a new update, just to give a little history. We dated for six months and shes been career oriented and was offered a promotion to a near by city (an hour away). Anyway with out talking to me about it or asking me what I thought she took it. Before she took this promotion anytime I would ask her about weather or not she would take it she kept saying "I don't know". Anyway, I got mad a week before she left (I had a bad week and took it out on her, I realized my mistake). During the course of the conversation I told her she's afraid to be alone (she's always had a boyfriend and is never single for long), after we hung up she called my brother and he called me shortly afterwords to chew my *** out. I called later to apologize and she decided I was right, she needed to try and be alone for a while to prove she can do it and also I needed to work on being more ertive. The following week she comes to town for a autism walk marathon her job was hosting and we made plans to get together. My thinking was I wanted to see her one last time and say I realized my mistakes and tell her she was my great love and that would be it. Instead she mentioned to me that in our last conversation she still wanted to keep in contact with me and its her wanting to work things out. I invited her and her friend to go painting at a studio along with my brother, she accepted and paid for herself. After dinner we hung out and I accompanied her to do some shopping for her walk the following day. As we hung out in the parking lot we began to kiss pionately and with tongue (she never kissed like that before), she also began to grope me and play with my manhood. I offered her to get some drinks but she tod me she had to go to her friends place cos she was planning to sleep over. It was approx 7:40 on a Friday. And since her friends have kids she needs to get there before they go to sleep. About an hour later I get a knock on the door its her and she tells me her friends were already sleep and asks to sleep over. I only have a single bed and since we're not dating I let her sleep on my bed and I slept on the sofa bed. Before going to sleep she kept making pes at me, but I didn't make a move since my brother who is my roommate was home and we live in a single room apartment. ( I sleep in the bedroom he sleeps in the living room). The following day we meet up at the Gallery and paint she comes by to see my painting and everything cool. I thought after the painting she was going to go home, she invited me to sleep over but since I was working early Sunday I declined, she then mentions that shes too tired and asked if she could sleep over. I agreed and we had the same accommodations as the night before. She calls and texts me all the time, but when I ask her if we're together she tells me "no". I'm confused, really, I realize she loves me and her keeping in contact with me shows she still has feelings for me. I know she was hurt in the past because she always gave all the love and affection and her ex boyfriends in the past never did, I think she may be afraid to let her self go because she's afraid to be invulnerable again. I am looking for a job in her city, it was my plan all the time and when I got a job offer one her her first questions was "is it in my city"?. Please help me I love her so much and I want to work things out ( I have been improving slowly and she notices this). What does it mean when a woman says she wants space but calls me up and hangs out with me like we're still dating?. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
10 week old vomiting forcefully?
All I can tell you is to take your baby to the doctor, you don't want your baby to dehydrate. The doctor can tell you if you are doing something wrong.
In the book, Of Mice and Men, what is Lennie's death?
welll george only kills lennie because the other ranch hands would do it if he doesn't he shoots him down by the river and tells him about the dream one last time not sure about anything else though
Views on mosque in NYC?
I think you enjoy hating people that have different beliefs than you do. Your hatred makes you feel manly.
Isn't the rising National Debt a win-win situation for us liberals?
This sarcastic proposal is frighteningly close to something proposed by one of Reagan's advisors (I forget who) who said that running a deficit makes it easier to cut social programs. That was one of the reason Reagan was willing to cut taxes so severely that it helped spark the huge deficits we've been saddled with ever since, deficits that only get around zero in the best of economic situations and are enormous in the worst of economic situations, rather than the general trend of reducing the national debt as a percentage of tax revenue over the course of the 35 years between WWII and Reagan's presidency.
Can i rent a dodge challenger at the airport in michigan?
i want to rent a dodge challenger for a weekend and what was the best place to rent from and a reasonable price? do hertz rent them out?
How do I get a girl I really don't like anymore but might if she liked me back out of my damn head?
Once a lady gets into your head they never leave it. Think of the time you shared as a ping moment which can be a good thing. It is the ones that leave you having nightmares about for years that you should worry about
Not that I know of. As far as I'm concerned people have been colonized and oppressed for centuries but it just seems like Blacks are the few people who lost their culture. Other races have been colonized and oppressed but still allowed to keep their culture and practice their religion. Blacks culture was constantly being looked down upon and blacks who did take a step towards being "culturally identified" were penalized for wanting anything to do with their ancestors' history, not just by other races but by other blacks also.
West Palm Beach or Fort Lauderdale?
I'm mostly interested in spending time on the beach, and not have to rent a car. Which would be better?
B&A:What character from a Book you Really Disliked,Any Book?
Albert from Water for Elephants-he is a total b*stard. But I think will be played brilliantly in the film!
Why do women have kids with guys that leaves them single then turn around and expect the nice guy to help out?
Because i have a friend who really liked this girl and she ended up dissing him for another guy (who is currently in jail for drugs and firearms) who is a knucklehead. They are both 25 and my friend is 27. Three years ago she dumped my friend for this fool and they ended up having two kids together. The problem is he has been in and out of jail since he was 15 and never had a stable Job to speak of. He ended up going back to jail this year for 5 years because he pulled a gun on a crowd at a nightclub and shot at a guy in the leg.. He was always this way even before we knew him but she liked him fo some odd reason.. So its been 5 years later and she is trying to come back into my friend life who is now successful with a good Job. She said she didnt know what she was thinking and now wants to be with him because now she realize what a good catch she missed out on. I told my friend to kick her out to the curve. I just found out she is being EVICTED from her apartment because she has no job and no money to pay for kids to have a roof over her head but yeah, why when the going get tough girls always like the nice guy but only as a safety net when things goes wrong?
After heart attack why do people spend time in hospital?
My dad has a heart attack and he needs to be hospitalized. He got to the hospital just in time unconsious, he was revived, sent into surgery. It seems he is recovering because he moves, opens his eyes and knows who we are, plus fallows commands! good sign right? Howver we're waiting for him to recupurate, he's gping through pain with all these tubes and cables on him. What are we waiting for..I know its something but I don't know what exactly. He didn't suffer brain famage we can see that with a scan.. Are we sedating him meanwhile his heart heals? What can be going on? Please help, thanks!
English Question: Limbo?
Limbo is a game. LIke a wooden pole is held diagonally and you have to try and walk under it, and it gets lower and lower. So they said that as an example because the fence was difficult to go under.
Which verses in Ephesians and Deuteronomy warn God’s people not to dabble in the Occult?
Also, when Paul stated that they are not to be drunk with wine, but to be filled with the Spirit, he was referring to an occult that believed that being drunk with wine meant being filled with a spirit.
I am looking for an old game called Quake where a little character would walk into walls and teleport.?
I remember playing this game on windows 3.1 in 1994 and before then. I think it was an old dos game. We bought it on 5 1/2 floppy disk. Anyone remember this game or the company that made it or where it can be downloaded or bought?
Hey i wana get car of tata marina indigo.willu think this is the best option or i should go for another one?
If you are looking for a station wagon format which is what the Indigo Marina essentially is you shud go for the FIAT Adventure. If you have the budget go for any of the SUV's available in the market. If you don't hv fuel economy considerations go for the FORD Fusion. Definitely not the Indigo Marina.
What do you think I am?
Just look at my picture and tell what I look like. Everybody comes up to me and think I am Indian or hispanic. I am really tried of it how do I make it stop? By the way my parent are from Trinidad so it makes me Trini American I guess.
That Iams cat, hes scaring me...?
Is it really true, the prophesy, about the Iams food being more nutrionous that non brand named cat food? a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_wl8uK4QCg" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_wl8uK4Q…/a
Which is better for the health of your teeth Invisalign or Braces?
Ok I had Invisalign. They don't intentionally take off your enamel. They have to make room for your teeth to move if they are too scrunched. So they take this tiny little floss like strip that is like sand paper and put it between your teeth to make room. My doctor told me before he did it that it may seem like the enamel is coming off but it barely will take it off. Invisalign was easy and it is now almost the same cost as regular braces.
Who thinks Lil Wayne is better than Jay Z?
Noooooooooo! Wayne might be hotter than Jay at the moment yeah. But if the world were to end at this moment can we say that Lil Wayne is better than Jay Z. Has Wayne put out a clic album, has Wayne wons a bunch of grammy's and other awards? No. We aint talkin about mixtapes or guest verses. We are talkin about pure hip hop talent and success. Jay eats Wayne alive. It aint ridin. It's just tellin it like it is.
What color would the foal of a Brown and White paint and a Grey be?
first of all dont breed your horses, there are millions being sent to slaughter and i know there is a location near you that has a free horse, and the foal would be grey,
Help !!!!! I really need your help?
So, venting can and almost always helps your own psyche, however, sometimes it backfires. This sounds like your case. Apologizing doesn't help much after the fact. But, I would say that standing by your convictions and being truthful has also brought people's attention to what is happening. Stay the course and if you are expelled and can't find a recourse then just move on in your life and use this as a learning experience...Good Luck....
2009's almost over! Are you upset to see it go?
Just another year as time marches on. This past year has been the worst I can remember. There will be some carryover to next year with some unresolved problems. When they are over, and hopefully quickly, then I'll be able to start MY new year and do all I can to make it far better then last year.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Not a question just a thank you....?
Just thanking everyone for helping me out w/ my questions about being pregnant. I found out today that I am. I got my prenatals today and on July 12 I will find out my due date and how far along I am. I also got an appt w/ the WIC office that day 2. So thank you so much again everyone!
Copy Media to SIM on Samsung Strive?
I got a Samsung Strive roughly six weeks ago. It was working fine until about a week ago. When I got a call it sounded like the person was trying to gargle and talk at once. So, with my phone at this state, we called up At&t, they sent me a new phone. Now I'm about ready to switch to it, except I want to keep my photos and videos. The only issue is I can't figure out how to copy my photos and videos from my phone to my SIM/SmartChip. Please help!
Will Cadillac release 2008 CTS DI(direct injection) in a manual transmission?
The Cadillac CTS 2008 DI has 304hp!! Will this vehicle ever be available in a manual transmission? For cryin-out-loud! its a freakin sports sedan!!!!!!!!!!!! Can someone answer this question with some verity? p.s. i cant afford a CTS-V..so dont even go there. Thank you.
I just got a blood test to see what I have allergies for and?
maybe you got the allergies after that,but don't worry if you really want a dog there are some medicines and anti allergic products that can help you,so dogs and cats wont affect your allergies and you wont sneeze or cough.
Hi i am young mother with 1 kid..i would like to ask you..have you stay with your mother in law...?
what i mean is have you stay your mother in law after you getting married..i m over stress with staying with my mother in law and with their son..i m not freedom at all...i will stay in the room all the time with my son..while my husband is working..every morning i need to wash this family their plates..i look this family are very lazy...the house are very mes sup everywhere..i cant imagine that right now im staying in the zoo..the house is 2nd storey..my room is on the 2nd storey..sometimes i got a bit quarrel with my mother in law...she like to say sarcastic word...she like to talk about bad things other people...please help me where else i can stay..my parents can still except me the way i am..because i am respect to the older people like my parents..anyway i cant stay with my parents cause the house is too small there is 8 people at the house..if my mother in law is working i can go out bring my son to the park but still have to cook for this family..and clean up the house..i need to prepare for my father in law for dinner since he likes to eat inside the room...this family never seen eating together in one table..i m just do my duty...its ok with me because i am full time housewife in the same time taking care my son in the stress environment...
What's the song from happy feet?
in the movie happy feet, what song does mumble "Sing" to gloria when he comes back to the group, even though ramon is really singing behind his back? It's the song right before boogie wonderland.
Why isn't my heat working in 99 GMC Sierra?
I already changed the thermostat. Both lines in and out of the heater core get hot. Can't seem to find anyone that can help me with any certainty. Could it be a vent door stuck in the dash?
My infant son has strange skin markings on his leg?
Last night my 14 month old son woke, whilst changing his nappy I noticed strange skin markings on the inside of his thigh. They appeared to be roman numerals, where quite outstanding , raised, red marks. He didn't have them before bed and we checked his pants he'd been wearing and his bed clothes but can;t work it out. I ended up taking photos of the marks this morning after he woke because they were still there however quite a bit fainter. They look like V V backwards Z I Y 11 upsidedown 7. I wish I had of taken photos last night when they were more pronounced. Any ideas? my husband didn't know what they could be but he's also not that worried about them. If anyone could help I'll send photos to you. Thanks packa76
Is Brighton Beach open at this time in the year?
Me and my friends wanted to go there, and we wanted to know if it was actually open. Are any beaches open?
How can I cope with my fiance's flirtacious ways with out getting in an arguement??
We have been together for 5 yrs and he has had somewhat of a cyber affair before. Now there is another girl that he works whome he texts on a daily basis about work stuff but with flirty lingo! He also rides the work shuttle with her everyday. I can't stand it but i am sick of confronting him about it cause he has started deleting the text messages from her so I won't see them.
Can any show how to find some one if there station in washington?
Ive been lookin for my lost Love for 25 years off and on of course He was my best friend first....through the years of movin we some how lost commucation...He will always stay my best friend ,but if you ever Love some one and let go ,because you thought is was right ..youd understand .I miss him for every day of my life and I just want to make sure his alright even if his married .....I just want to know for my heart to rest.
President, Vice prez help?
pres George W Bush, vice pres Cheney, sec of state Conleeza Rice, Sec of Treas Henry Paulsen, sec of defense Robert Gates, attorney gen Micheal Mukasey
Anybody going to Radford University this fall?
Because I am, and I am going as a Freshman majoring in Physics and eventually Aerospace and Ocean Engineering at Tech. I just want to know someone on here that could possibly help me out during the year. (thats if i need help, that is...)
I have a possible legal issue with a former roomate of mine.Can he charge on me for throwing away his stuff?
Ok. my former roomate lived with me for 2months not paying any rent or utilities because at the time he came to stay with me he got kicked out of a previous live-in situation with one of his friends and he came to live with me and at the time he was unemployed; however, I was under eviction and was ordered to vacate by the end of the month in november 2007. In the mist of that, my roomate was arrested on nov 16th for aggrevated ault on my boyfriend, which I was not involved in. The cops came and took him away and he was in jail for 2 and a half weeks. During that time there was no contact from him or from his family on getting his stuff out, so I threw it away as I knew the apt community was going to do the same. He gets bail and he and his mother come by to collect his things the night of nov 30 the night before i had to be out of the apt by dec 1st. I told him the i threw them away and now he is trying to press charges against me, can he do that?
Sunday, January 1, 2012
I just got a new computer and it came with 25 free trials of microsoft word (i can use it 25 times) and...?
I just got a new computer and it came with 25 free trials of microsoft word (i can use it 25 times) and then it says the microsoft programs will be severely depleted, does anyone know which functions will remain even after the 25 times are complete?
My baby doesn't like fruit, what do I do?
Hmmm, this is tricky, you can't force a baby to eat something. What you can do is try teh actual fruit. Try bananas that are mashed up or mash up some apples into a homemade applesauce. Also, you can supplement fruits with juice. Give her a couple of servings of juice (watered down) every day.
I'm writing a story, and I need help with names for a pair of twins.?
Okay, so the twins are really different. One twin is all popular, thinks she's all that, trying to rule some b-list clique while her best friend is the 'queen bee' and she's a brunette. The other twin is very weird lol she's artsy, eccentric, nice too some, sy, and funny. I would like names that 'flow' with eachother. Like, that go kinda with their personalities, but have that twiny thing, like start with the same letter/syllable, end in same syllable, rhyme, or something kinda like phoebe (light) and Melanie (dark). I found this site that kinda works, but I need help lol. a href="http://www.behindthename.com/twins.php" rel="nofollow"http://www.behindthename.com/twins.php/a please gimme some suggestions!
My ex friend ruined our friendship because of her poor parenting?
Gosh some parents are distorted! She doesn't realize that she's harming him by coddling him. I'm sure her nine year old son was embarred and mortified as he watched a teen aged girl undress in front of him!A nine year old is obviously old enough to quickly change out of his wet clothing and wait outside for mum to join him.
Heard of Bel'Air Paris?
Yes, one of my friend is selling this items in HK and China. Pretty expensive. There might be some market in Singapore. The no so good thing is the product use a lot of achohol.
Have you heard about the meteorite In Bolivia that made people sick?
I think it probably has to do with burning sulfur. One interesting thing is the very high altitude. I'm thinking that has something to do with it.
Hi. Debating on what double pushchair to get, HELP?
I have a son already and am pregnant with baby number two. My son will be 2 in Dec. and the baby is due end of feb, so he will be 26months. Now i am aware that i will need a double pushchair, although my son walks well and runs around too, he can't be expected to walk all the time at that age. I have ruled out the boards that attach to the pushchair and am now choosing between a side by side double pushchair or one that is in front of the other one.....I really can't decide on which one....Pro's for the side by side is that i feel my son might prefer it so he can see his little brother or sister, but Con's, not practical in the shop.......Pro's for the ones in front, easier in shops, but not sure the baby gets a great view. Now you may say they won't know but my son was such a nosey baby and after about four months was pulling himself forwards and sitting up in his pushchair, whilst holding on of course...also concerned my son will keep wanting to turn round and look at the baby etc..........What to do, i haven't got a clue?...all advice on both welcome. PLEASE.
How many pages and words are in "homeless bird" by gloria whelan?
um yeah iono but i read that book in 6th grade...is that the one about some chick who gets married & stuff in india?
Talibans are really Heroes for Indian public?
You need to correct the term "Indian public" to HINDU INDIANS. There is a huge Muslim minority in India and also many other religions in India. Cracking jokes about innocent people getting killed by some brain washed idiots is NOT FUNNY!
My gf is pregnant (unplanned)- I'm ecstatic but she's not sure?
perhaps she doesn't feel ready for kids, in which case you need to respect her wishes. discuss it properly with her, ask her what she wants to do, as this is a decision that needs to be made by both of you. if one of you isn't ready, then maybe a child isn't the best idea.
Ap World History Essay?
If you are looking for someone to write an essay for you to plagiarize, then I suspect you are out of luck.
How early should I go to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?
I'm going to Metro Pointe 12 in Costa Mesa,CA. And it's always really crowded there. But it's such a great place to watch movies. Though what is the right time to go to see this movie for tomorrow? I'm buying tickets for the 8 pm show tomorrow and I'm leaving my apartment at 6 pm so I can get into the line at 7 pm to get a good seat. Yes, I know I'm going to stand in line for 1 hour ,but it's def. worth the wait.
I own Moderated group but posts appear mysteriously Mod activity shows "approved by System" How?
Some members seem to be able to approve messages who are not moderators. How? Additionally some messages seem to be approved by no one at all it just says "the system". I know by checking Moderator Activity. I would not have approved most of the messages getting through. This particularly could be a problem with Yahoo turning groups into "Adult" category rather arbitrarily (thus losing search-ability in a group search). Thanks
Why Do People Refuse to Believe in Evolution?
As we approach the 200th anniversary of the birth of one of the 19th century's most influential scientist, it seems that the percentage of people in the developed world (particularly the US) do not believe in evolution in spite of the overwhelming evidence in favor it. I am NOT saying that the only scientists who do not accept evolution as fact are pseudo-scientific shills paid by institutions like the Discovery Institute, nor do I agree with the religiously anti-religious (Dawkins, Dennett, Harris and Hitchens) who crusade against all forms of religion, and think that one cannot possibly believe in (a) god and accept evolution as true, but I do not understand why so many people of faith refuse to accept evolution (and by extension, plate tectonics, the age of the Earth) as, if not true, than darn close to being true.
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